Our assemblies and in class enrichment programs are the perfect compliment to your school’s rich and exciting curriculum. With food at the forefront of each assembly, we are able to engage and entertain your students. Our programs are approximately 45 minutes in length. We can accommodate an entire school, individual grade or one class. We can perform once or multiple times throughout the day. We can accommodate most budgets and prices vary based on the length of our visit and the program chosen.
Our assemblies:
- Food & Art: Art and food have been a beautiful match as is obvious in museums around the world. Our Food & Art assembly begins by exploring the use of food in photography, painting, drawing and other mediums. We explore art history citing famous artists, their work and how it relates to food. Then we employ a hands on approach as students are invited to create food art using food based art supplies and kitchen tools. This program is popular with all ages but can be customized for early childhood and elementary programs.
- Food & Culture: We believe that food is a great starting point when discussing culture and world studies. When we created our “One World, One Ingredient” program we knew that it would be a great accompaniment to studies rich in diversity, culture and world studies. We begin each assembly with the introduction of one ingredient (rice, corn, wheat, tomato, watermelon, salt, potato, apple, etc.) and then explore this ingredient around the world. Students are always amazed to see how multiple cultures embrace the same ingredient in different ways. This program can include a food tasting component or be part of our allergy friendly series.
- Food & Science: Food and science are meant to be together! Everyday chefs utilize multiple forms of science to create and cook. We focus on several forms of food science including molecular gastronomy, innovative cooking, modern food technology and chemistry. This program is perfect for all ages and group sizes.
- Food & History: Our history program “Lunchboxes: What kids ate throughout history” always captivates and entertains our curious audiences! We love exploring how food has changed throughout history from the lens of a kids lunchbox. Our presentation includes having your students guess the lunch of each time frame and then comparing with our answers, presenting actual lunchboxes so students can see how kids their age have eaten throughout history and offering ancient snacks for everyone to try. Depending on the age of the group, we can go into detail about agriculture, farming, technology, the growth of populations and the effect these issues have on dietary needs and wants. This assembly is more workshop based and works better with smaller groups and classes rather than a whole school.
- Food & Math: What better why to teach math than with food?! We explore math through the use of pastry arts. Your students will discover the everyday use of math and the importance it has in their lives. This hands on workshop invites your students to work in teams to bake while using decimals, percentages, fractions and more. This fun and delicious approach to math is suitable for classroom and small group experiences.
We also have allergy friendly assemblies for schools that do not allow food in common spaces or classrooms. These unique experiences allow your students to experience the wonder of food and its influence on our lives without the worry of contamination. We have customized our History, Art and World Studies programs to be free from all food while still providing a hands on experience for your students. Through the use of nonfood manipulatives and multi media presentations, we offer a rich experience for your students. Whether you have students with allergies or simply want to keep your classrooms free of food, our allergy friendly programs provide enrichment without worry.